Conferences, Workshops and Seminars


The medieval army on the march (4th-16th c.) 

Autumn Seminar of the Iberian Association of Military History (4th-16th c.) 

Oviedo, 17-18 November 2023 


Free entry. A certificate of attendance will be available upon registration at 


 17th November 

9:30 a.m.: Opening session

Francisco García Fitz (University of Extremadura): "The medieval army on the march: history and historiography".

10:00 a.m:

Marco Santos (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): "The Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula: the itineraries of military operations in Lusitania (712-714)".

10:30 a.m:

César García de Castro Valdés (Archaeological Museum of Asturias):" The Battle of Covadonga: Possibilities and limits of historical knowledge".

11 a.m:

Coffee break

11:30 am:

Carlos Afonso ( Exército Português / Universidade Nova de Lisboa. ): "Contingentes guerreiros cristãos em movimento no primeiro século de Portugal: algumas chaves de interpretação".

12:00 pm: 

David Porrinas González (University of Extremadura): "The importance of terrain and logistics in medieval warfare. León and Castile between the 11th and 13th centuries".

12:30 p.m: 

Darío Testi (Giunta Centrale per gli Studi Storici, / Council on International Educational Exchange, Rome): "The runners of the field always ahead: the role of the mounted explorers in the conquest of Mexico".

12:30 p.m: 

Darío Testi (Giunta Centrale per gli Studi Storici, / Council on International Educational Exchange, Rome): "Los corredores del campo siempre adelante: el papel de los exploradores a caballo en la conquista de México".

13:00 p.m:

José Luis Costa Hernández (UNED): "Itinerary and warlike actions of the Navarrese host in the campaign of 1321 against the ֳ"evildoers from Guipuzcoa".

13:30 p.m: 



18th November 


10:00 a.m:

Ekaitz Etxeberría Gallastegui (University of the Basque Country): "Marching orders in medieval Castile".

 10:30 am:

Antonio Martin Costa (University of Coimbra): "Marchar no exército real português do século XV".

 11:00 a.m:

Coffee break 

 11:30 a.m.:

"Marchar no exército real português do século XV" 

Luis Costa e Sousa (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): "A ida e o regresso. A viagem dos soldados do Rei Sebastião (1578-1607)"

 12:00 pm:

Enrique Rodríguez Delgado (University of Extremadura): "Military camps in the Castilian-Leonese area in the Early Middle Ages".

 12:30 p.m:

José Manuel Rodríguez García (UNED): "The vital logistical role of the fleet. 13th-14th centuries". XIII-XIV".


